Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Dress, The Flowers, The Bride, and OH yes!, the Groom too....

A recent wedding in Weston made for amazing pictures! First, THE DRESS! A small church with lots of stained glass made this picture perfect!

THE FLOWERS! I love this picture. With the texture of the Church doors to the petals of the rich flowers and the detail of the ribbon makes this one of my favorites!

THE BRIDE! Lora cant be any prettier! The soft glows of a bride on her wedding day. Brad you are truly blessed!

AND THE GROOM! Brad and Lora are amazing together! The weather did not hold out for us for any outside pictures so I will post my favorite inside pic!

Now off to the reception. About 4 doors down to the Masonic Temple in Weston. GORGEOUS!

I love the anticipation of this picture...........

I love this next picture as it is. Looking closely you can see Lora on the left by the "L" in the cake topper and Brad on the right by the "B" in the cake topper!

When I saw this picture, it made me cry, in a good way. What I see in this picture is a man who TRULY loves his wife. He takes her in and cherishes the smell, the moment, the love of them together. I see it in his face as well as Lora's. That is what makes my job all the worthwhile!

I pray the two of you will dance in life as you danced this day! In love, together, all the days of your lives!

A final note. I love this picture above of Lora dancing with her Dad and Brad just to the right and on watching them with the rest of the crowd. So easily are these moments sometimes taken for granted. His precious little girl, given away in marriage, but will always be.......his little girl. I wish I could still dance with my Dad....but I can't, so cherish this moment as it is.....VERY SPECIAL, as you dance.......