Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Danielle + Nick = Anytime!

I have fallen in love with this couple! Danielle and Nick are A-MAZ-ING! They are FUN, HAPPY, and SO in LOVE with each other! Their wedding will be blessed next year; however, I must say, the two of them are already blessed to have found one another.

The way he makes her laugh, so natural, so them! I love this picture below!

Expression of true love.......

We went through an area of Clarksburg to get these fabulous pictures. We just walked around for an hour and captured their true selves, loving each other.

Danielle and Nick, I can't wait for your wedding next year! You both were so energizing and fun and I am soooooooooo looking forward to storytelling your wedding; not just your wedding............, the Beginning of Your Legacies Together!