Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Angie + Curtis = THE WEDDING!

I promised highlights so here are some stunning pictures from this past Saturday. If you know the brides maiden last name, you can spell it properly in lower case letters, you can view the slideshow in my proofing section of the website!



I love this next picture. So simple with a bit of cross processing to make it ART!

These next two are classic timeless pieces of emotions, love and their day!

More timeless Art for the two of them. These are the pictures I would have in my office to remember my groom (or vice-a-versa). I love how the other is faded in the background! My FAVS! Or I would have them in the home, hung side by side, A CLASSIC!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Angie + Curtis

Angie and Curtis will be blessed tomorrow. These two are tremendous together and I can't wait to photograph their day! Angie, you look beautiful tonight and I can't wait to see how Curtis reacts seeing you for the first time as your Dad walks you to him!

Highlights of their wedding will be posted next Wednesday, so stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Christmas Gift

A follow up to my dark dark blog below. I gave us all a gift. A gift of friendship, A gift of harmony. And I do so need that in my life right now!

The 7:00 wake up call......NO TV, UGH! I had pulled the plug for both my kids language and behavior to each other. Ean cried for an hour. Mica just looked disarrayed, amazed that I even did it!

The Progress:

I now have my children back, un-possessed of their earlier troubles! The TV became light again at 4:00 today. All is well. And I do think it is a gift that we give our children the abilities to struggle through issues, yet still be friends. I hope this continues....If not, I am calling the Cable Company!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Christmas In July!

Tonight, is Christmas Eve in July, At my house.....

Tomorrow Christmas in July.............

Let me explain. First of all, I am MAD. ...(hence, the Gothic picture of our stockings above!)

Let’s just say with family, I am the easy going one, the push over, let my kids have everything, etc…..Actually; I don’t sweat the small stuff. I pick my battles and my philosophy is, “If it doesn't hurt them, physically, emotionally, or spiritually, It is “generally” O.K…..” I do get stern, but only when I have too……

I write this tonight, cause right now, I am done, it is NOT O.K., You now know, as my kids know, I AM MAD. Mica cried before going to sleep, Ean just looked at me....

I lay here tonight waiting. Waiting like it is Christmas Eve. For everyone to go to sleep and then Santa does his stuff…..I’ll wait as long as it takes……to pull the plug….......

Let me back up. First of all, I have GREAT kids. They have never heard a curse word in their life, and I DO TAKE ALL THE CREDIT FOR THAT! Secondly, they are generally good kids and friends to each other.

Lately, with the rain showers and the hot weather, it seems to me, they have been confined too much. Maybe it is the gas prices, those little trips that don’t happen this summer like the past, or other things, I just don’t know.. All I know today, I heard each other say curse words like “STUPID”, “IDIOT”, “DUMB”…way tooo tooo much…yet alone the physical abuse they did to each other…...I HATE IT, and now I AM MAD!

I hate that when maybe they are older, the words will fly tooo easily. Kids can be mean in 6th, 7th, and beyond. Although my kids are only 8 and 7, I just fear later, so I am pulling the plug.

I am waiting, like I wait on Christmas Eve for the entire house to get quiet and still. I am pulling the plug to the TV’s, one by one. When they awake tomorrow, cable as they know it will be gone…..I WARNED THEM,……. Mica Cried. Ean looked at me as if to say “Yeah, Right Mom”, well, they did NOT believe. Just a temporary fix…, for now, …..

I am sorry, I know where they get it...and I do take blame for it as well.....but anyhow, the Scrooge Must Advance before it is toooooo late! So the plugs will be pulled.....If this doesn’t work, I WILL cancel totally.

I will miss the Today Show, (not that I watch, but listen from a room away), news maybe three times a month if I am lucky, HGTV or Oprah on very rare occasions ( I do so LOVE Dr. Oz), but that’s it…..THEY WILL LOSE TONS, and hopefully, Verbiage I don’t agree with……………….

So Marry Christmas to ALL this July night, especially my children! And hopefully to be, my sweet, sweet children again…………


When I started writing this it was about 9:30, Now it is 11:37, The Deed is Done......Let me just say, I feel better now! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Isaac = "Laughter" and Sometimes Not!

Yes, I love the feeling of laughter! I love laughing children and I strive to let their personality explode, even though they are sometimes afraid of the lens, or me....By the end of the session though, I have hoped to make a friend and here is my friend Isaac.

Love this picture above as Mom and Dad are watching their little boy grow up and do new things! How exciting it is to be this age and even more exciting to be able to watch them experience the things we used to do!

Above, is Isaac as he usually looks to his Mom and Dad! One of my favorite perspectives from a child to their parents looking back at them!

Breathtaking portraits above and below. Isaac laughing above, as the scriptures of Abraham and Sarah writes, and then Isaac serious, as sometimes we are in life....

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wedding Guest Sign In Book

Finally, I have found these 10x10 guest signature books, custom made to suit your fancy! What I love about these above others is the textured background for the sign in page PLUS a place for personal notes! Any of the photos can be collaged, etc...but I really love the big pictures with simplicity! Giving it an Elegant feel without taking away from the pictures.


Check it out! Here is Megan and Neil to be wed August 8, 2008!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Dress, The Flowers, The Bride, and OH yes!, the Groom too....

A recent wedding in Weston made for amazing pictures! First, THE DRESS! A small church with lots of stained glass made this picture perfect!

THE FLOWERS! I love this picture. With the texture of the Church doors to the petals of the rich flowers and the detail of the ribbon makes this one of my favorites!

THE BRIDE! Lora cant be any prettier! The soft glows of a bride on her wedding day. Brad you are truly blessed!

AND THE GROOM! Brad and Lora are amazing together! The weather did not hold out for us for any outside pictures so I will post my favorite inside pic!

Now off to the reception. About 4 doors down to the Masonic Temple in Weston. GORGEOUS!

I love the anticipation of this picture...........

I love this next picture as it is. Looking closely you can see Lora on the left by the "L" in the cake topper and Brad on the right by the "B" in the cake topper!

When I saw this picture, it made me cry, in a good way. What I see in this picture is a man who TRULY loves his wife. He takes her in and cherishes the smell, the moment, the love of them together. I see it in his face as well as Lora's. That is what makes my job all the worthwhile!

I pray the two of you will dance in life as you danced this day! In love, together, all the days of your lives!

A final note. I love this picture above of Lora dancing with her Dad and Brad just to the right and on watching them with the rest of the crowd. So easily are these moments sometimes taken for granted. His precious little girl, given away in marriage, but will always be.......his little girl. I wish I could still dance with my Dad....but I can't, so cherish this moment as it is.....VERY SPECIAL, as you dance.......

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy and Safe 4th of July to All!

Last night I made caramelized, toffee, chocolate pretzels for the picnic today. Ean enjoyed watching me with one of his favorite meals, Popcorn!

In between the rain showers, I caught a glimpse of Mica with sparklers!

I hope you all have a very fun, and safe weekend through all the drizzling rain! Hey, it is a day off, so what the heck, who cares if is raining. Last night, I took a break and enjoyed a dance with the kids in the rain! It was ENERGIZING!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Danielle + Nick = Anytime!

I have fallen in love with this couple! Danielle and Nick are A-MAZ-ING! They are FUN, HAPPY, and SO in LOVE with each other! Their wedding will be blessed next year; however, I must say, the two of them are already blessed to have found one another.

The way he makes her laugh, so natural, so them! I love this picture below!

Expression of true love.......

We went through an area of Clarksburg to get these fabulous pictures. We just walked around for an hour and captured their true selves, loving each other.

Danielle and Nick, I can't wait for your wedding next year! You both were so energizing and fun and I am soooooooooo looking forward to storytelling your wedding; not just your wedding............, the Beginning of Your Legacies Together!