Thursday, May 15, 2008

Two, Two's!

Oooooohhhhhhhhhh how I already forgotten one of my most memorable moments. If it hadn't been for this pic, my memory would NOT have been jarred unless the old album was brought in. And this pose was Mica's idea, not mine.....which just adds to the beauty.....or i would not have seen it........and i didn't see it taking it, I am just seeing it now....WOW.......

The beauty of pictures. They are to jar our memory. Something we want to remember long after we have forgotten everything. And as I sit here late at night, that just happened. I had forgotten, but with a single moment, a picture taken today, a picture remembered from time............

I completely forgot how Mica at about 18 months of age was fascinated with anything to do with two's. If there were duplicates in the house, she would say "TWO, TWO'S" For example, her binkies. She would ALWAYS carry two around, one in her mouth and one in hand, put them on the table and say 'TWO, TWO'S!" It happened with books, toys, or anything she saw the same!

Here is Mica with two puppy's. Mica had the one puppy as a toy. Someone else also bought Mica the same toy for her 2nd birthday. Wow! Her 2nd birthday! Two toys now the same, and Mica in love with TWO, TWO'S! No wonder Mica is going to be a AWESOME mathematician!

I remember thinking, " I shall give the second toy away", but my Mom talked me into keeping it for Ean. I am so glad she did and I have this picture! And this picture is how I pulled it out of the album., with a little scrapbooking ink as i did back in those days.....but not much.....Something I want to remember long after I have forgotten everything...........