Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Life of a Photographer, Business Woman and Mom...

Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

First of all, it is election day which only really means to me ~ no school for my kids and the schedule gets altered. (Sorry Politicians!) I get up early for some desperate computer time. Two little voices of mine wake up shortly and are desperate for computer time too! You know, Webkinz! (if you don't know, you must not have kids ages 4-12????). Thank goodness I have two other older computers, beyond "MOM'S DON'T TOUCH" computer beside me for these kind of days!

So I do my business, work on pics, answer emails and phone, which has really been ringing a lot lately :) ! (and thank you for that!) and return calls, place orders.....yada, yada, yada. On my agenda besides home office is ; vote, bank, the post office and a photo shoot in the late afternoon, take Mica to Karate, and Ean for his team soccer picture. Whew! Highlights below:)

The Baseball Field Photo Shoot!

This guy is really, really cool and loves to be in front of the camera! Loved photographing him!

Before the shoot, I knew my daughter had to get back to me so I could take her to Karate. She helped with the pictures above. She specializes in making shade or light for me and I love it! After the shoot I captured this great shot of her just walking to the car!

So now, It is dinner time, got to go to fast food, which I REALLY REALLY HATE, but do anyway, cause that is life at this moment.....Oh, and Pick up Ean, he has soccer pictures 1/2 later than Mica has Karate. They eat the grease and change clothes. I get Mica where she needs to be and then hope to get early before team pictures so I can get good portraits of Ean, soccer boy!

Ean is a real tough subject for me and I always threaten to show all the GREAT faces he makes for me! They would make you smile, and me cry! The first pic shown, after 100 pics (ok, i am exaggerating a little), I finally said to Ean, "Just look at me like you like me"....and he responds, "I do like you, Mom!" Whollla, one that I can keep!

We get home for baths. Luckily, Ean reminds me he had been at my Mom's (again, thank you Mom for ALL YOU DO!) and already had a bath and hair done for pictures, so only Mica needed cleaned. The night ends with books, loves and kisses. Oh, and Ean is addicted to watching at least one Thomas video to go to sleep....most of the time even wearing Thomas PJ's.....so i sneeked the camera in for that too.................

A final note. I did get to vote. The bank and post office is now pushed to the next day.......But the things that mattered got done today; especially books, love and kisses...............