Thursday, May 15, 2008

Soccer Anyone?

This evening was Mica's turn for team soccer pictures! I did not do the team sport pics as I want more excitement to my pictures than you can take in just one click and then "NEXT!"....... I am more of a fan of taking upbeat, fun, and portraits out of the "norm" and this first one of Mica is my VERY VERY favorite!

I had 30 minutes to drive around town to various spots, get out of the car, brush the hair, take pics and get her to her team for group pictures.

I am really really proud of Mica. She has this drive about her to do her best at anything and soccer is no exception. Whispers around the field even prove it! Mica is certainly a talk when she plays!

I also love this pic of her with her friends. Down the years, I definitely want this one to be in the Senior Slideshow at school!