Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Mother's Day Gift Idea

So, I'm giving my readers a sneak peek at one of my Mom's mothers day gift. (Don't tell if you see her!) I can make any/all photos into these really neat dry erase boards. If you have seen me at a recent bridal show, I had my "specials" and the pic was one of my daughter. (By the way, I will only do "limited" bridal shows next year, if any. I will no longer be at the malls as you can find me on The Knot and The Wedding Channel ;) Anyhow, I digressed as my Aunt Bibben would say, so I go on....................

My Mom is so NOT like me. I am "somewhat" organized, she is not. She loves life and takes each moment minute by minute; while I take moments by days. But I am lucky for my Mom by her minutes, and the way she raised me! For this, I am so glad I do NOT take life week by week!

She is a teacher so her gift can either be used in her classroom or hung on her fridge. It is a "To Do List" dry erase board! So appropriate from me to her! I think she will love it; with the sayings and her grandchildren and all......

If anyone wants one, let me know ASAP and we can do a rush order! You can customize these to anything you fancy! I think it is a fantastic gift! Oh, and I got her yoga sandals, and me too. I'm a mom, so I have to take care of me too!! And I wrote my Mom a poem with a pic of me, but I will put that on the blog closer to Mothers Day.