Saturday, May 31, 2008

Kari and Matt Candids

A few more of my favorites from a recent wedding! I love these candid photos!

The anticipation of walking down that isle with "Your Little Girl" on your arm. An irreplaceable memory now embedded in time with a photograph.............Sooooo Sooooooo Sweet!

My favorite pictures are always when they are married now; walking back down the isle, together as One. The happyness, the excitement, the joy of THEIR day on their faces!

The starting of the recieving line! I love this picture of Kari waving to her guest getting ready to to greet them both!

A link to their wedding album design can be found at:

Thursday, May 29, 2008

One with Nature

I just love the outdoors! Mica and I were driving to my mom's and pulled over beside a local gas station and found these tall tall weeds. I bribed Mica "a little" to get her to go into the jungle! She loved it anyway, although she won't admit it!

I love the sun spots in these to give it more drama! And the weeds from the front just add more texture and dreamy-ness!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

To My Dad......This Memorial Day Weekend

Dad, I want you to know that I think of you often throughout the day. I have dreams about you and most the time, they are that you are still with us on this earth, yet I can't get to you. I so wish you were here in the present to finish this life of grandchilden and experience all the things we do each day. Yet at the same time, I know you are experiencing it, just with a different lens. I miss you Dad!

Friday, May 23, 2008

A Favorite Twosome!

Something just peaceful about this picture of my son and "Bella" (the neighbor's dog). Ean just loves to play with her and she truly loves to play with Ean. She lets him pick her up and he carries her around everywhere under his one arm, very unstable, but she only lets him do this.

What I really love about this picture is the texture, the dreamy-ness, the color that takes it back in time and makes it timeless. More like portrait art instead of a plain snapshot where the green grass just overpowers the inner beauty of the subjects.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hanging In There!

I have been on a wild photographing journey with you all in the past couple weeks and thank you for that! Proofs to be up shortly! For now, a picture of my Reese! Wild and Crazy.....About how I am feeling AND LOVING IT! (unlike some dogs I know! ;0)

Reese really hates baths! but he makes us smile as he goes biiiizzzzzzzzzzark trying to get dry! ;)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Two, Two's!

Oooooohhhhhhhhhh how I already forgotten one of my most memorable moments. If it hadn't been for this pic, my memory would NOT have been jarred unless the old album was brought in. And this pose was Mica's idea, not mine.....which just adds to the beauty.....or i would not have seen it........and i didn't see it taking it, I am just seeing it now....WOW.......

The beauty of pictures. They are to jar our memory. Something we want to remember long after we have forgotten everything. And as I sit here late at night, that just happened. I had forgotten, but with a single moment, a picture taken today, a picture remembered from time............

I completely forgot how Mica at about 18 months of age was fascinated with anything to do with two's. If there were duplicates in the house, she would say "TWO, TWO'S" For example, her binkies. She would ALWAYS carry two around, one in her mouth and one in hand, put them on the table and say 'TWO, TWO'S!" It happened with books, toys, or anything she saw the same!

Here is Mica with two puppy's. Mica had the one puppy as a toy. Someone else also bought Mica the same toy for her 2nd birthday. Wow! Her 2nd birthday! Two toys now the same, and Mica in love with TWO, TWO'S! No wonder Mica is going to be a AWESOME mathematician!

I remember thinking, " I shall give the second toy away", but my Mom talked me into keeping it for Ean. I am so glad she did and I have this picture! And this picture is how I pulled it out of the album., with a little scrapbooking ink as i did back in those days.....but not much.....Something I want to remember long after I have forgotten everything...........

Soccer Anyone?

This evening was Mica's turn for team soccer pictures! I did not do the team sport pics as I want more excitement to my pictures than you can take in just one click and then "NEXT!"....... I am more of a fan of taking upbeat, fun, and portraits out of the "norm" and this first one of Mica is my VERY VERY favorite!

I had 30 minutes to drive around town to various spots, get out of the car, brush the hair, take pics and get her to her team for group pictures.

I am really really proud of Mica. She has this drive about her to do her best at anything and soccer is no exception. Whispers around the field even prove it! Mica is certainly a talk when she plays!

I also love this pic of her with her friends. Down the years, I definitely want this one to be in the Senior Slideshow at school!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Life of a Photographer, Business Woman and Mom...

Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

First of all, it is election day which only really means to me ~ no school for my kids and the schedule gets altered. (Sorry Politicians!) I get up early for some desperate computer time. Two little voices of mine wake up shortly and are desperate for computer time too! You know, Webkinz! (if you don't know, you must not have kids ages 4-12????). Thank goodness I have two other older computers, beyond "MOM'S DON'T TOUCH" computer beside me for these kind of days!

So I do my business, work on pics, answer emails and phone, which has really been ringing a lot lately :) ! (and thank you for that!) and return calls, place orders.....yada, yada, yada. On my agenda besides home office is ; vote, bank, the post office and a photo shoot in the late afternoon, take Mica to Karate, and Ean for his team soccer picture. Whew! Highlights below:)

The Baseball Field Photo Shoot!

This guy is really, really cool and loves to be in front of the camera! Loved photographing him!

Before the shoot, I knew my daughter had to get back to me so I could take her to Karate. She helped with the pictures above. She specializes in making shade or light for me and I love it! After the shoot I captured this great shot of her just walking to the car!

So now, It is dinner time, got to go to fast food, which I REALLY REALLY HATE, but do anyway, cause that is life at this moment.....Oh, and Pick up Ean, he has soccer pictures 1/2 later than Mica has Karate. They eat the grease and change clothes. I get Mica where she needs to be and then hope to get early before team pictures so I can get good portraits of Ean, soccer boy!

Ean is a real tough subject for me and I always threaten to show all the GREAT faces he makes for me! They would make you smile, and me cry! The first pic shown, after 100 pics (ok, i am exaggerating a little), I finally said to Ean, "Just look at me like you like me"....and he responds, "I do like you, Mom!" Whollla, one that I can keep!

We get home for baths. Luckily, Ean reminds me he had been at my Mom's (again, thank you Mom for ALL YOU DO!) and already had a bath and hair done for pictures, so only Mica needed cleaned. The night ends with books, loves and kisses. Oh, and Ean is addicted to watching at least one Thomas video to go to sleep....most of the time even wearing Thomas PJ' i sneeked the camera in for that too.................

A final note. I did get to vote. The bank and post office is now pushed to the next day.......But the things that mattered got done today; especially books, love and kisses...............

Monday, May 12, 2008

Prom, Prom, Prom!

Two of my seniors I photographed this past year wanted AWESOME and unique prom pictures! These two went as friends and what Great Friends they are! So hip and fresh pictures beyond the norm for them to remember!

Holly and Neal

Love in the air on these beautiful spring days! Nothing could be better! Neal and Holly are the PERFECT couple and will bless their promises to each other in June. Watching them through the lens, I saw a couple who will love each other through life's exciting, complicated and sometimes unexpected events. A love that will last the test of times. Now that is what I call love!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

To My Mom

Highlights of My Mom. Happy Mother's Day Mom. I love you!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Thursday, May 8, 2008

A Tribute to Mother's Day

Yes, I am muti-tasking! Thank God that we women can do this! Going through photos for clients as well as making a tribute to Mother's Day. Church pics will be up by tomorrow! If you know the church and know the name and can spell it with just initials in lower case letters you got the login!

Here is a start of my tribute to Mother's Day:

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Mother's Day Gift Idea

So, I'm giving my readers a sneak peek at one of my Mom's mothers day gift. (Don't tell if you see her!) I can make any/all photos into these really neat dry erase boards. If you have seen me at a recent bridal show, I had my "specials" and the pic was one of my daughter. (By the way, I will only do "limited" bridal shows next year, if any. I will no longer be at the malls as you can find me on The Knot and The Wedding Channel ;) Anyhow, I digressed as my Aunt Bibben would say, so I go on....................

My Mom is so NOT like me. I am "somewhat" organized, she is not. She loves life and takes each moment minute by minute; while I take moments by days. But I am lucky for my Mom by her minutes, and the way she raised me! For this, I am so glad I do NOT take life week by week!

She is a teacher so her gift can either be used in her classroom or hung on her fridge. It is a "To Do List" dry erase board! So appropriate from me to her! I think she will love it; with the sayings and her grandchildren and all......

If anyone wants one, let me know ASAP and we can do a rush order! You can customize these to anything you fancy! I think it is a fantastic gift! Oh, and I got her yoga sandals, and me too. I'm a mom, so I have to take care of me too!! And I wrote my Mom a poem with a pic of me, but I will put that on the blog closer to Mothers Day.
Jaclyn and Erik had a beautiful day Saturday and Jaclyn was a GORGEOUS Bride!

I loved the way Jaclyn and Erik looked at each other during the ceremony. During rehersal, I talked them into facing the crowd when they lighted the unity candle. I am so glad they did! The bows were dismantled afterwards before my even noticing. So I just love this pic and so glad it was "In The Moment"

Although the reception hall burned down one week before the wedding, this family did an AMAZING job to give their little girl and her groom a PERFECT DAY! Lot's of help from Philip's restaurant too!

This Dad is so in tuned to his little girl! He loves her sooo sooooooo very much and is not afraid to show it! What a beautiful expression of love; captured forever!

This Feeling of Love

What a Beautiful Couple. Their Love will be Blessed in June. All I can say is:
Love Each Other, Like You Love Today; and Do This for the rest of Your Lives......Together!