Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Photo Tips for Moms!

Well Moms, we love our kids, that is a given. And we love photos of our kids! Here are some simple techniques you can use with just your point and shoot! For all these pictures, remember to zoom in and eliminate unwanted clutter in the backgrounds.

Window Lighting or Side Lighting:

Here is Anna, a beautiful and simple portrait of her in the formal dinning room. This was taken in the late morning when the sun was coming through the window. Notice the highlights and shadows that make this picture unique. I had Anna look out the window and then played a surprise game of "peek-a-boo". She turned around for me, still not sure of me, but I clicked anyway! A beautiful keepsake!


Window again, but I waited till about dusk. This is my Mica at 18 months of age. It is with a true point and shoot and the flash made the scenery in the background darker and made this awesome reflection. I turned it into black and white. A good program to transform your pictures to black and white, get rid of red eye, and more for a general user that want's everything and simple to use is Adobe Elements. One of my very favs of her before Photos By Design began!


Here is Reese Cup, window light as well. I love his looks out the window. He tries so hard to protect the family and barks at golfers....need I say more....



A natural for kids is to get them on their bellies and stack them! Here is Mica and Ean in their younger years. I pretended to fart at a very unexpected moment and the both of them started to crack up!


Another favorite yummie tummie of mine! This is Anna's sister, taken a few years later. I had her in the shade to avoid any sun shadows on the face. Placed her on the tummy and waited for a little wind to pick up. Hey, btw, you can always use your fan, from the house too! I just zoomed in on the face, as her beautiful features are highlighted.



Keep them in an environment they love! Who care's if they get dirty or wet, just wait for the smiles cause they will happen if you act like you are not photographing them and just playing!


Here little Cameron and I played a game of "peek-a-boo". I love this. I think it is so funny when they are so bigger than the object yet still pop out for fun!


The best advice I can really give you is to go digital. Who cares if you take a bad shot, delete, shoot more! The more you shoot, the better the pictures will get!