Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

OK, I apologize and starting on Monday I will post everyday! Weather it is about vendors i see from weddings or just life, I will post beginning Monday and every weekday of that!

In Tribute to Mother's Day, My Mom!

My Grandmother, Kathleen McGann! A Nurse from Saint Mary's Hospital! Her words to my mother, "So what are you going to do with her when she turns 16?", I was very strong willed......

My Great, Great Grandmother, Nancy Margeret Cullinan, a mother, and business owner, she ran the General Store in Hundred WV, I think my genes came from her to answer my grandmas questions! My Real Name is Nancy Michelle, so go figure....

A tribute to my Aunt, she never bore children, but, she helped raise us! I love this photo! I think about their times, the poverty, etc, yet all you see in this photo is love.....I love it!

A tribute to My Aunt Ibby....I miss you! I miss your little white beatle bug that would come and rescue me and Michael! No, you never had children either, but know you were truly loved as a Mom! Thank you for taking care of us!