Monday, September 15, 2008

Jenn + Brad = Love, Love, Love!

Jennifer and Brad, you both are AMAZING together! It was a pleasure to be a part of your day and I am very thankful for your family's hospitality! It makes my job all the worthwhile! As if I was photographing my own son or daughter! Your pictures are beautiful and I will have highlights up at the end of the week! For now, enjoy a few of my favs!

The shoes! LOVE THEM! So chic, Sooooooo Red!

Beautiful Fall Flowers!

The Rings!

The Eyes! Great portrait for Mom, Dad and the Groom of a remembrance of how beautiful Jennifer shined on Saturday!

The Groom! Love the Chocolate brown tux's!

The Surprise of the Day! Jenn and Brad had a wonderful couple show up and surprise them with a stunning getaway to the reception. Jenn, the wheels match your dress and shoes! I LOVE IT! Picture Perfect!