Thursday, September 11, 2008


I apologize for no daily blogs lately and I promise to do better! I have been CRAZY, as always, working on weddings, children pics, families and seniors, and some really neat new things to come! Fridays, I plan to blog alot about nothing so stay tuned to Frivolous Friday!

I woke up today, remembering. It is 9-11-08 and I pray God will always watch over us, and am thankful for the times HE has already. I think sometimes we forget, when things are NOT going wrong, that is SUCH A BLESSING!

Enjoy this photo today of my brother. He is a recruiter for the Army National Guard. Served in Iraq, Weston Unit, Army National Guard, for what seemed like a lifetime, but really was over a year. Here Michael is on Fourth of July, playing "The Star-Spangled Banner", on his banjo. He just started taking banjo lessons, so let me just say, I should have video-ed it instead! What a Hoot!

My brother is incredible! He served in the Navy for about 10 years after High School and his LOVE for THE UNTIED STATES OF AMERICA is just so Amazing. I love you Michael! Here are pictures of him in Iraq.....