Friday, September 5, 2008

From Flowers to Skulls

First of all, I do not approve of my kids wearing items that look dead.....but somehow, the flowers slipped by my Mother, and the rest is history. With that said, here is the scoop......

Ean and Mica had some "Mie-Mie" time (my mother), in which Mie-Mie says she can buy anything for my kids cause she is the "Mie-Mie". Well, Mie-Mie bought Mica the "kwel-est" shoes according to Mica, yet when Mica got home, she KNEW I would NOT approve, and just gave me puppy dog eyes, thinking she could get them past me!

Mie-Mie's response: "I thought they were flowers!" That is so typical of Mie-Mie! Needless to say, Mica wont be wearing them to school or church!

Two days later, I see my son Ean with his new bike helmet that slipped into the house without my awareness. I say to him "Ean, YOU CAN'T wear THAT helmet!" Ean responds, "Mom, it is not a skull. It is just an X-Ray....[pause]...., that looks mean." ............laughing on a technicality ..........Ayyee Ayyee, what am I to do.