Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Birthday WV!


COME AND CELEBRATE FROM 11-2 TODAY at The Court House Plaza, in Clarksburg! Many Vendors and FUN FUN FUN!

TO COMMERATE YOUR DAY and to ALL WONDERFUL AND WILD WEST VIRGINA FOLKS I WILL BE DOING A DRAWING ON JUNE 20, 2010 for one only $150 for photography services! Regrets it does not apply to weddings but is for FUN FILLED SPONTANEOUS, NATURAL, and LIFESTYLED PORTRAITURE!
Babies, Children, High School Seniors, and Families!

First of all, the $150 session/prints will take place in Clarksburg, WV only. So if you do not live in Clarksburg, or can not make it to Clarksburg, WV for the receiving of the prize, please, DO NOT ENTER!


Become or Be a Photos By Design Fan on Facebook by visiting the blog at and make a special “nice” birthday comment to the State of West Virginia! All fans must be received by 11:59 p.m. June 19, 2010 to be included in drawing.

Become or Be a Friend of mine on Shelly Greaver Giaquinto Facebook Account. Make a “very nice” and sweet comment to me! So glad to have nice friends to make nice comments especially my photos! End it with a “Happy Birthday WV” to qualify!

Make a “very nice” and sweet comment to any photos on my blog at
And give a big “I Love WV” after your comment! All comments must be received my 11:59 p.m. June 19, 2010.

Make sure to all of the above I can get a hold of you with your name, phone number, facebook account or email address. All Names will go into a hat On the “Official” State Birthday for a drawing. Any Inappropriate comments determined by Photos By Design will be deleted and not qualify.