Thursday, February 12, 2009

Our Valentine's .....Mommy Coming Home......

Let me just say, Ooooohhhh how I have missed power tools. I used to be the "maintenance department" years back...."B.K." before kids....I was a power tool freak...give me a drill, give me a jigsaw...go to Lowe's on Sunday with my pick-up truck, YES!......then, I had kids.....

WOW...Can you say "Life Change" Those things I worried about, the house, and did this look nice, and what if.....where did they go?.......Heck, where did the pick up truck go?.....Just useless stuff that really didn't matter, anyway....

Or Did it?.....It is amazing to see how kids bring a change in you, like patience, (My biggest obstacle! and I still wonder if I have).....but when the bottles, diapers, and binki stage were flowing, somehow, I forgot about me and changed....for them......

Now, this Valentines project, which was really nothing, "Just make a box and put your name on it"......changed me back again, to the one true self I knew, and gave my kids a new friend they could know.....We went on an exploration......Flamed with determination, we sought out supplies, we laughed, we learned, we almost broke blood (we had a few mishaps), we dreamed, we had fun.......My kids learned a new me, (or an old me) and I them.....HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!






