Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I have been desperately thinking about getting my daughters pictures taken with her guitar. And when she came home today, without her brother as he had other things to do, it just seemed like the perfect time. Not the location I wanted, but I LOVE THEM anyway! Mica was so into it as well. These are something I want to remember long after I have forgotten everything. That is the beauty of pictures. I will now always remember how she is so artistic, beautiful and has just perfect feet! Yes, I love seeing the toes in the air as she plays me a melody. I am so thankful for the blessings God has given me to record my children's history. Not only long after I have forgotten everything, she will have something to pass on to her child and maybe pass on to the child after that.........and that.....and that.....and that.....Such a beautiful melody, the circle of life......