Friday, April 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Ean!

Yesterday, the 24th, it was official. Ean turned 7!

Ean really did not want help from his sister to blow out the candles and she ending up retailiating. I believe I mentioned that Mica is sometimes more boy than a girl. With this said, this is what I get:

After pizza with friends, we headed for amusement rides, games and FUN! Ean has been truly "IN LOVE" since pre-K. He dumped all his friends and hung out with his one and only soul mate, Miss Molly. These two are inseparable in school and when they have play dates!

As you can see, Ean would much rather be with Molly playing than taking pictures with his mom, but i just love these colors and I even like him being serious! Happy Birthday Ean!