Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Catholic Spirit

Wow what a busy weekend. Spent Saturday photographing a wedding at All Saints Church in Bridgeport and Sunday photographing First Holy Communion at another local church. My Grandmother, Kathleen McGann, watching me from Above, was probably smiling this weekend!

Here are some highlights:

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Toes, Toes, Toes

Got done from a wedding today. When I got home I just wanted to relax with the kids. I love to be just goofy with them and they know this! Mica even let me get artistically goofy with her feet! I love children's feet. And this brought a smile to all when we got to see the piggy's dance!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Ean!

Yesterday, the 24th, it was official. Ean turned 7!

Ean really did not want help from his sister to blow out the candles and she ending up retailiating. I believe I mentioned that Mica is sometimes more boy than a girl. With this said, this is what I get:

After pizza with friends, we headed for amusement rides, games and FUN! Ean has been truly "IN LOVE" since pre-K. He dumped all his friends and hung out with his one and only soul mate, Miss Molly. These two are inseparable in school and when they have play dates!

As you can see, Ean would much rather be with Molly playing than taking pictures with his mom, but i just love these colors and I even like him being serious! Happy Birthday Ean!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I have been desperately thinking about getting my daughters pictures taken with her guitar. And when she came home today, without her brother as he had other things to do, it just seemed like the perfect time. Not the location I wanted, but I LOVE THEM anyway! Mica was so into it as well. These are something I want to remember long after I have forgotten everything. That is the beauty of pictures. I will now always remember how she is so artistic, beautiful and has just perfect feet! Yes, I love seeing the toes in the air as she plays me a melody. I am so thankful for the blessings God has given me to record my children's history. Not only long after I have forgotten everything, she will have something to pass on to her child and maybe pass on to the child after that.........and that.....and that.....and that.....Such a beautiful melody, the circle of life......

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Jaclyn & Erik

Jaclyn and Erik are counting down the days till their "Big Day" on May 3rd. This couple is truly made for each other. These gorgeous engagement pictures speak in a way as if all their inner emotions are brought to the forefront. Here are a few of my favorites. With all my blog pics, click on them and they will get bigger to view.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Kari & Matt

It is springtime, flowers blooming and love flowing in the air. I was blessed to photograph a Great couple this Saturday. While the weather held for us for pictures, the love Kari and Matt have for each other beamed with smiles and excitement on their wedding day! Here are a glimpse of their day!

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Life and Times of Ean

This week my son turns 7. WOW. I love the fact that he is growing up and I LOVE every moment I watch him do new things and experience life to fullest! At the same time, I get tears looking back at the once baby I had. Not sad tears. Just fond memories, and I am so glad God has blessed me to experience this and raise this sweet, sweet, sweet boy! And he is. There are so many things he says to me that are just so kind, gentle and sweet. Don't get me wrong, he has his moments, but the majority of the time his is just so sweet! I pray God will bless him in his life, God will take care of him show him His will and Ean will always have happiness all the days of his life.

I love you Ean!

Dirty Feet

Most of my readers know by now I have a beautiful "tom girl", "tom boy", whatever the saying goes. Dresses are just not her cup of tea and she is a competitive sports nut that loves to climb trees, pick at worms and most of all play in dirt! I came home one day to find her playing with her one of her very best friends. Mica (the blonde in the pic) is very social and has 3 other best friends but this particular one shares the same interest as hers! Dirty Feet! I have to agree, they are still just as cute!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

New Blog

Hello All! I have recently updated my blog to adjust for a more artistic style and allow you to veiw archives in a more friendly fashion. If there is something not showing that you want to see, let me know!

Wedding Album

Ok, sometimes I have been know to cry during the wedding. Yes, I can get very emotional! I love it when you get that warm fuzzy feeling knowing the couple we be together, forever. You can look at them today and just know, forever, beyond the 90 years old and still holding hands. Jennifer and Daniel have this, and this is their album.

Daniel & Jennifer

Cousin Blue Eyes

My little cousin came in for a visit and we had a very wonderful gathering Saturday with his Mom and Dad and the rest of the family. Look at these gorgeous eyes! Beauty from the inside out! With the chilly spring air, Harlin got to enjoy the family Gap hat; as I believe this hat originated from my son Ean!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Let's Play Bingo! Here's the deal. For every paid sitting fee from now till April 19th, you will get an entry ticket for a Longaberger Basket Bingo to be held April 20th at 2:00 p.m. at the Mt. Clare VFD. The fundraiser supports 100% to the kids who are temporarily housed at Genesis Youth Crisis Center, Inc. These children vary in ages from 6 years old to 18 years of age. These children are fighting the forces of negative influences that are beyond their control. Abuse in every form; they do not have the opportunities at homes like we all do, something that is taken for granted by both you and me. To learn more about Genesis click here! Genesis Youth Crisis Center

And even if you can't do a stitting fee for time constraints, I encourage you to donate anyway to such a worthy cause of Genesis. These kids really can use our help. Volunteers are also encourage. Love to read? Love to make crafts? Technology your thing? Guess what, you have something in common with these kids!