Monday, April 5, 2010


Well, it was a wonderful weekend and very busy. Saturday, I photographed twins! Twin babies I might add! After that, I had last minute things to get, and had forgot through the week to take Ean to see the Easter bunny. Yes, he still believes, and I treasure that! After 7 in the evening, we were out swinging on "our favorite tree" and he remembered! So, he begs, can we go see the Easter bunny? Well, exhausted, I get the bright idea, "Hey, Mommy can email him!" And Ean was happy! (the Easter bunny at the mall freaks me out anyway!, so I was happy!):) Here is Ean on the swing, and the eggs we had to leave out with a note.....Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! By the way, can you tell it was final four night too? We even left out a WVU egg for the bunny! :)


