Thursday, February 4, 2010

Fun Wedding Fact: "The Cake"

The next several days I will be blogging about some fun wedding facts I found! What a Hoot! I'm so glad we have come along way since the Ancient Romans! I found this fun fact about wedding cakes!

"The wedding cake has always played an important part in the wedding. Ancient Romans broke a cake over the bride's head to symbolize fertility or abundance. Many other cultures dropped wheat, flour or cake on the bride's head, and then ate the crumbs for good luck. The early British baked baskets of dry crackers, and every guest took one home after the wedding. In medieval times, guests brought small cakes and piled them on a table. The bride and groom then attempted to kiss over the cakes. Eventually, a young baker decided to put all the cakes together and cover them with frosting, thus the tiered wedding cake was born."
