Sunday, October 5, 2008

From Last Friday to Today!

Let me just tell you I have been on an adventure! From photographing, working on pictures, to just being a Mom and getting things in gear, that has been me for the last week, or month or two.....that is my life.....

My kids, Mica and Ean, were the Flower Girl and Crown Bearer to the 2008-2009 Class RCB Homecoming this past weekend. That might not be a trying task for most, but, my daughter doesn't wear dresses, the tom boy she is, and Ean had no dress clothes, well, not dress clothes I consider as public dress clothes with shoes, tie, etc.....Let alone, the weekend includes Mica's Ninth Birthday!

Homecoming Night: Let me just say first, Ean was ready to go for pictures but Mica hated her shoes, thus, hated me for getting them and hated getting this picture taken......OH WELL.......I had to work for the semi-smile below! (Ironically, they are dressed in green and blue, RCB colors, and this was an accident, or perhaps just a gift from above!)

Below: Ean and Mica Giaquinto walk down the field with Principal Leon Pilewski,

The Crown Bearer and Flower Girl for 2008-2009 RCB Homecoming! Mica and Ean Giaquinto!

Below; My kids with Ms. Mary Lou Secreto! The BEST, THE UNBELIEVABLE WOMAN! MARY LOU, YOU ROCK! My children love you, and you are the best! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!!!!!!!!! If it was not for Mary Lou, my kids would not be on this blog for RCB, and all the RCB senior trips they have already experienced. They are nine and seven, and Mary Lou has made sure they were apart of the senior trips since they were four and five! (maybe even younger than that) THANK YOU MARY LOU! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Below: Mica with ONE (she has three) of her BEST friends! We so love her and wish she could have been a part of the weekend festivities. She was unable to attend Mica's party but fortunately for us we captured this AWESOME pic of the two of them the night before Mica's party at Homecoming!


A HUGE THANK YOU TO Showtime Music, Meadowbrook Mall, Bridgeport, WV! They made my Mica's day spectacular! (Danielle, teacher at Liberty High School and Nick of Showtime Music) are to wed this coming June. To see their engagement album go to

Mica is turning 9 on October 12th. I love birthdays and feel they should be fireworks and all, as my kids are made in Christ's Image, so let's celebrate as if it is Christmas!

We let Mica open her present early to avoid a 30 minute transport!

Here Mica is with her new guitar.......

So then, we ventured to Stonewall Jackson Resort, for much needed R&R for me, but a BLAST FOR MICA her friends and all.....

Here is Ean......

A Very Good Friend of Mica's

A good cousin!

Opening up.....but yet, another present.....