Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Megan + Neil their favorite place!

I am so siked for this wedding in August! Just look at these two! We ventured out to Coopers Rock, their favorite hang out! Love the sky detail in this pic!

The sweetness and happy-ness these two have for each other is incredible! Poor Bailey was left behind for just a little bit while we focused just on them! I love this picture, actually I love all their engagement pics, but will show you only a few favs so I don't bore you too much! Below are My ABSOLUTE FAVS!

Loving a little bit of cross processing but not too much. This brings a simple sweetness, innocence, a simpleness to the picture.......

Loving the EYES in this one! And loving each other! I LOVE , LOVE , LOVE THIS PIC!

And here is Bailey. She waited so patiently! You should see the movie "Practical Magic" Love, Love, Love this movie. This woman dreams of her soul mate, with one green eye, one blue! It is a must see published in 1998. I will quit talking now, as I am starting to show my age....UGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please click on this pic to expand, and you will see what I mean!