Friday, June 27, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday!

Birthdays have always been special to me and if you have been invited to some of my kids birthday's, you know I go bizzzzzark! Pictures of Birthdays are even more precious to me! Something I want to remember, long after I have forgotten everything.

Meet Isabella. How adorable! She loves balloons and especially flowers. Here are just a few of my FAV's!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Megan + Neil their favorite place!

I am so siked for this wedding in August! Just look at these two! We ventured out to Coopers Rock, their favorite hang out! Love the sky detail in this pic!

The sweetness and happy-ness these two have for each other is incredible! Poor Bailey was left behind for just a little bit while we focused just on them! I love this picture, actually I love all their engagement pics, but will show you only a few favs so I don't bore you too much! Below are My ABSOLUTE FAVS!

Loving a little bit of cross processing but not too much. This brings a simple sweetness, innocence, a simpleness to the picture.......

Loving the EYES in this one! And loving each other! I LOVE , LOVE , LOVE THIS PIC!

And here is Bailey. She waited so patiently! You should see the movie "Practical Magic" Love, Love, Love this movie. This woman dreams of her soul mate, with one green eye, one blue! It is a must see published in 1998. I will quit talking now, as I am starting to show my age....UGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please click on this pic to expand, and you will see what I mean!

Holly and Neal's Wedding Day!

A beautiful day on Saturday gave way for a perfect wedding day for Holly and Neal.

From the intricate detail of Holly’s shoes to the flowing white silk that wraps the bride in awe on HER day gave way for gorgeous photo opts!

Two stunning portraits of the bride and groom. Above, Holly flirts with the camera as if it were Neal capturing her heart. Below, Neal is gleaming on this day. He is blessed with a beautiful bride for all the days of his life.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Two Sisters

This Momma has her hands full with these two cuties! I love the color in this first image and of course, baby Riley is just the added touch!

Now sister was not too fond of the camera today, but I love the sweet innocence of this next picture.

And a field of wild grass and flowers is always my favorite no matter the subject, but this cutie sure helps!

Below is the same image, processed into beautiful Portrait Art. I have a few of my kids like this and when people come over, they just view the art as it is and they finally say, is that your kids? I love pictures like these!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Meet Lucy!

This two week old baby is adorable and sooooooooo sweet! In her Daddy's forearm. What a memory captured forever!

I love this next portrait. How small the quiet baby sleeps as her parents watch over her!

After Lucy and her parents left, I went back to take a picture of these daisies. I admit, I was jealous of a two week old to be asleep in the field of natural beauty. But I got over it, and now will make my self a print to wake up to a field of daisies everyday!

A Wedding Bliss!

I hope these two get a chance to take a seek peek at their wedding photos as they honeymoon outside the States! I had the best time photographing this wedding and I think they did tooooooooo the pictures show!

This group is made up of primarily brothers, sisters and best, best friends! I absolutely love the fun and excitement they all had!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Courtnie & Justin

Courtnie, Justin, Justin, Courtnie.......These names inter-twine as these two are truly made for one another! Their Love will be blessed tomorrow in the sight of God, friends, and family.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Senior Pictures/Elite Scholars Wanted

2008 Summer Senior Special:

Looking for a way to get reasonable Senior Pics at a decent price! Refer a Friend! For every friend that books a paid senior session with Photo By Design, You can get 12 wallets for FREE! Think of it this way, refer 5 of your best friends and they get portraits taken by Photos By Design, and YOU get 60 and I mean 60 Wallets to pass out, or put into invitations! (one pose only for every friend referred!)

(offer expires November 30, 2008; Friend must have session within 45 days of your session to qualify)

These are pictures of Mitch. They were taken early in the morning before the heat of the air and the harsh shadows of the sun. I love the pea soup fog that started us out on the dirt road. We followed up when the sun came out for this second picture. The best times of the day are early morning and late in the evening for summer pictures outside. (I still prefer morning as evening is still too hot and muggy!) I know it is hard to get up early, but well worth it in your pictures! Don't let the pea soup slip by you with memories lost.................

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Trina & Steve

A breathtaking day took me to Nemacolin for a spring little wedding:

Steve outdid himself with the engagement ring. The two of them were at a Make-A-Wish auction and he bought this ring for her! She got her wish, and another child got theirs! VERY SWEET! More than VERY SWEET when I think about it.....Everyday, Trina will look down at her hands and know they gave a child a wish beyond wishes!

These are the children blended in as brothers and sisters now! How much fun they have together! Well done!, Trina and Steve!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Jasa, Jasa, Jasa!

I enjoyed Saturday Morning with this little cutie!

I LOVE the perspective of this next picture. As her Mom and Dad always see her most of time. The anticipation of being picked up and held in their arms!

And this one is just soooooooooo sweet!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

"The Dress"

Once in while you are handed a moment, a day, a memory......Today, Mica ventured out in a dress. "So what!", one might say....but it meant EVERYTHING to her, to feel beautiful, a little "pretty-ness" in my little tom girl! I watched her eyes gleam as everyone noticed a little girl budding into a beautiful person. She did enjoy this day. Hum....maybe I can get her to wear it tomorrow?

What I really love about these pictures are the color. A simple innocence in flip flops on green grass, with a buttery - cup dress and the blue sky. They all work together in simple harmony, just like Mica........dancing in the breeze............As if she was the Sun casting out her inner beauty........