Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Back to School!

Thank Goodness! While I did enjoy being with the kids longer through the day, it's nice to get my routine back together!

This morning, my kids were so excited, with a little hesitation and anticipation of meeting new friends and what the year will bring! I am thankful they enjoy school.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sister and Brother!

I just love these pics of sister and brother! They remind me so much of my kids, just 5 or 4 years ago.....

These next two, I would have in a two opening matted frame side by side or hung side by side in the same kind of frame.....How sweet, each other helping the other!

Jaclyn and Erik's Story

I like to think of myself as a storyteller. I love stories, especially stories of real lives. Here is the beginning of the greatest story of Jaclyn and Erik's life set to their song as they danced that day. They are going to make beautiful babies!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Beach Pics!

Well, Mica and Ean were not to happy to venture out for the camera but I was determined to have new beach pics and I bribed them with $5 to the beach store! These pics were taken with my new Canon Power Shot G9. Just love it LOVE IT LOVE IT!

Below: I wish my kids always were this kind to each other! I don't know what they were talking about, but I love this picture!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My New Toy

Before I left for the beach, I bought the new Canon powershot G9. I did not want to lug all my camera equipment, so I left them in cool storage with my watchdog friend! I knew the G9 did amazing things, like, attach my external flash to it, shoot in RAW, let me change shutter speed, ISO and aperture, and speaking of aperture it goes all the way down to f 2.8. So, for regular viewers, just appreciate the pictures. For serious ones wanting an SLR point and shoot, BUY IT, BUY IT, BUY IT!

I am hoping to talk the kids into a photo session on the beach tonight. Not sure if it will happen or not, but if it does, I will post them later. Enjoy these for now!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Sunrise

I got up real early this morning for a walk and quiet time. Spent about 2 1/2 hours just walking and enjoying the beauty. I took my new Canon Powershot G9 point and shoot with me and captured this.....

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Chat with Everyone Soon!

Well, I am beach bound! It is 12:30 a.m., I just got home from my 8-8-08 wedding today. Mica and Ean are soooooooooooooo EXCITED! I will be back in the studio on Tuesday, August 19th. Posting pics from the past and hope to have so new pics of the kids with my brand new point and shoot, the Canon Powershot G9!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Kayla, Kayla!

Oooohhhhhhhhhhh, I could just post and post and post pictures of this Senior! Kayla is so sweet and sooooooooooo easy to photograph! All of her pictures are my favs, but for time and space, I will show you these! Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Kristen + Dennis

LOVE this couple! Kristen and Dennis are to be wed September of next year. Dennis is from Michigan and Kristen from West Virginia. They met in college and were instantly hooked to one another. And I could tell in the pictures. The certain way Dennis looked at Kristen or Kristen looked at Dennis had an amazing chemistry effect on the other, so here are some of my favorites!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Bree + Ben

I love outside weddings and want to share some pictures of Bree and Ben's Day! The setting was at Bree's house. I think this is just an added touch for a bride on her wedding day. To be surrounded by all her friends and family including all her childhood memories.

One of my absolute favorites of the day. The anticipation of the hour Bree will walk down the isle to meet with her groom for eternity.

A simple capture of freedom for the moment.......

Best wishes Bree and Ben! You both were so fun, energetic and I just loved photographing your day!